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We Made 2012

9 Jul–15 Aug 2013

By any reckoning the 2012 London Games were a tremendous success and a welcome boost to national pride. Millions flocked to London to watch the Games and billions tuned in worldwide.

The Games were delivered on time and to an exceptional standard and that is largely thanks to the skill and expertise of the UK design and construction. As if that wasn't enough London also made good on its pledge to deliver the 'Greenest Games' ever.

But the story does not end there. Regenerated parkland, venues and waterways are soon to open and now Britain looks forward to the economic, sporting and learning legacy of the Games.

We Made 2012 takes a look at the Games one year on, it remembers the challenges and accomplishments of staging a monumental event in our capital, and importantly, looks towards its legacy for Britain. It gives the people who made the Games the chance to show the result of their ingenuity and tell their story.

We Made 2012 helps viewers to understand the complexities of the Games through film, photography, architectural models and sketches. It aims to ignite personal memories and give an insight into how the Games will continue to benefit the UK.

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