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Retrofitting Social Housing: Alternatives to Demolition

Opens on 16 Sep 2024
Main Gallery

Retrofit Exhibition at the Building Centre

This ehibition is organised by AAB architects, ECD Architects and Architects for Social Housing

For decades, social and council housing estates across the UK have been severely neglected.

The consequential deterioration of housing conditions is used to justify estate ‘regeneration’ programmes based on demolition and rebuilding, which most housing associations, local authorities and developers claim is the only way to provide new housing and improve living conditions.

However, demolition and rebuilding is socially, financially and environmentally costly, relying on the construction of high-value homes for private sale to pay for rebuilding demolished social homes. This results in the displacement of existing communities, the privatisation of public land and a failure to address the need for additional social housing. Shelter confirmed that between 2022-2023 alone there was a net loss of 11,700 social rent homes in England.

Retrofitting social housing tied to wellbeing

‘Regeneration’ through demolition and rebuilding has significant environmental costs. There's high levels of greenhouse gas emissions (‘embodied carbon’), loss of greenspace, and air, soil, water and noise pollution to name a few. 

Likewise, the benefits of retrofitting housing estates are increased well-being and reduced fuel bills, reduced build-times and construction costs, and less resource use and environmental impact. Retrofit alternatives crucially enable the continuation of existing communities. This exhibition explores the potential in three case studies, each showing a different approach:

St. Raphael’s Estate, Brent, a resident-led design proposal by Architects for Social Housing, focused on providing new homes alongside existing, maintaining existing communities and landscape.

Wilmcote House, Portsmouth, a completed project by ECD Architects, retrofitting an existing block of flats to EnerPHit standard to radically reduce fuel poverty and improve living conditions.

West Kentish Town Estate, Camden, a RIBA-funded research project by AAB architects, testing whether retrofit can deliver the client’s brief whilst addressing the imperative to reduce ecological harm.

Alongside various texts, videos, photographs, artwork and campaign literature relating to the redevelopment of housing estates.

As part of the exhibition, the organisers are delighted to invite you to two free separate events on the 25th September 2024:

These two panel discussions will explore the benefits of, and barriers to, the more widespread implementation of retrofitting in policy and practice and will make proposals for change.

  • Session 1 (3pm) will be chaired by Loreana Padron from ECD Architects and will discuss: ‘Technical and financial barriers and solutions of estate retrofit’
  • Session 2 (6pm) will be chaired by Geraldine Dening from ASH, and will explore ‘Social and economic barriers and benefits of estate retrofit.’ There will also be an opportunity to explore the exhibition and network with drinks and refreshments.

For more information on these two events, including panel speakers and to book a place, please visit:

Panel Discussions: Retrofitting Social Housing - Alternatives to Demolition Tickets, Wed, Sep 25, 2024 at 6:00 PM | Eventbrite


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