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Retrofit 25: What’s Stopping Us?

26 Mar–19 Sep 2020
Main Gallery

Launch of new retrofit exhibition for 2025

The Building Centre and the National Retrofit Hub (NRH) have today announced a new collaboration for their upcoming ‘RETROFIT 25 – What's stopping us?’ exhibition and event series.

The programme is scheduled to run from 26th March 2025 to 19th September 2025.


“We are delighted to be working with National Retrofit Hub to build on our previous retrofit programmes and inspire action within local communities and neighbourhoods. We look forward to hearing from partners interested in supporting this agenda to work towards creating healthy and inclusive environments.”

John Bonning, Commercial Director, Building Centre 

The commercial partnerships team are in their third year of curating a retrofitting exhibition, Retrofit 25 follows Retrofit24, The Reuse Agenda for our Commerical, Cultural and Civic Buildings. In 2023, the Retrofit 23 exhibition was themed, Towards Depp Retrofit of Homes at Scale. Over the years, the retrotting exhibitions have seen industry leaders, specialists, clients and agencies lead on webinars, seminars, networking events as well as site tours. 

Retrofit 25, in partnership with the National Retrofit Hub promises to inspire real change with a pledge expected. 

The National Retrofit Hub

The National Retrofit Hub (NRH) is a nonprofit organisation dedicated to enabling the local delivery of retrofit at scale in the UK.

Established in early 2023 and officially launched in March 2023, at the Building Centre in London, the NRH aims to drive the delivery of the National Retrofit Strategy through industry-wide collaboration, empowerment, and facilitation. Retrofitting homes is crucial for the UK to achieve its energy security, reduce fuel poverty, improve citizen health & wellbeing, and meet climate change goals.  

Partner with Building Centre & National Retrofit Hub for Retrofit 25: What's Stopping Us? 

Bring your expertise and messages to the right audiences.

For every exhibition, we seek to work with the right partners and sponsors to make sure our exhibition is providing quality and value to attendees. 

This year, working alongside the National Retrofit Hub, we expect an unparralleled level of interest and support. Year on year, the interest in retrofitting has increased exponentially. For 2025, we are especially keen to speak with organisations with a key message to share about retrofitting. 


Join us for an information webinar

We are delighted to announce an information webinar on Wednesday 9th October 1-1.30pm. This event is open to all interetsed in partner opportunities with us.

To book a place please contact one of the commercial partnerships teams: 



For partnership opportunities for Retrofit 25: What Stopping Us? please contact the Building Centre or the NRH.



The RETROFIT 25 series is produced in partnership with

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