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Social Media Strategy Workshop

Tue 24 Feb 2015

A one-day workshop to help you make a series of key decisions that set out a path to a more effective, time efficient and successful use of social media.

The workshop is particularly suitable for decision makers in companies who have been trying out social media for some time but are not seeing any results.

Why Social Media? Why this workshop?

Having a website for your business has been a requirement for some years, but social media has changed how consultants, specifiers and construction professionals use the internet to learn, network and find products and services. As a result, social media must be part of any effective strategy for marketing, growing, and maintaining the reputation of construction businesses.

This workshop sets out the key steps to forming a strategy for the use of social media in your business. Delivered by Su Butcher, social strategist in construction, the workshop is specifically tailored to how construction professionals work.

Understand how Social Media works and why it is different from traditional marketing tools;

Identify what is missing from your current activities and what may be preventing you from achieving success;

Choose which platforms are right for your business and learn the basics about how they work;

Learn how to build conversations with your clients and advocates;

Create your own personalised plan to implement a social media strategy in your organisation;

Integrate measurement techniques into your strategy so that you can learn and improve;

Demonstrate the value of social media to your business by measuring the important results.

“I would definitely recommend this course to anyone looking to effectively plan their approach to social media. It was well-structured, informative, jam packed with useful tips and you get a very useful workbook to guide you through the strategy writing process. Thanks Su!"  Tracy Dover, Marketing, Communications and Business Development Manager at Conisbee


Participants in the workshop will receive:

A set of preparatory ‘homework’ tasks to attempt before the workshop;

A personal workbook containing all the notes and links from the session and in which to record and develop your thoughts during and afterwards;

Free membership of the growing Just Practising Social Media Strategy Group on Linkedin which will share links to useful resources and through which participants can provide each other with ongoing support in a private group exclusively for workshop attendees.

Refreshments and lunch.

Workshop Agenda

Please bring a Wifi enabled Laptop, and a smartphone/tablet if you use one.

The workshop is an interactive mixture of instruction, discussion and group work, exploring and developing the Steps to a Social Media Strategy for all participants. 

9.00     Arrive and Coffee 
9.30     Introductions
The Principles of Social Media
Your Audience

Who is your Audience?

Listening Processes

Goal Identification

10.30   Tea/Coffee
10.50   Conversations

How Conversations Work

Tools and Tactics

Human Faces

13.00   Lunch 
14.00   Putting the Strategy Together

Social Home

Social Outposts

Social Objects

15.00   Tea/Coffee
15.20   Planning the coming Year

Content Plan

Task List

Questions and Support

16.00 Close

Cost: £247 + VAT until 23rd January

£295 + VAT thereafter. Lunch and refreshments included

Time 9.00 – 4.30pm

Please note that we are unable to issue refunds on cancellations made later than two weeks prior to the course date.

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