London is not characterised by any particular architectural style, as it has accumulated its buildings over a long period.
Join a series of five Saturday morning architecture schools with some of London’s leading experts to help you to explore some of these styles, identify the periods to which they belong, learn how to read the codes and to understand the design pedigree of the buildings that surround us.
London before the Great Fire - an exploration of its medieval architecture, Saturday 13 May
Alec Forshaw explains that while nine-tenths of medieval London was destroyed in the Great Fire of 1666, and a great deal more was demolished in the 18th and 19th centuries, a surprising number of buildings escaped the flames or demolition ball.
Georgian London - our dynamic city, Saturday 20 May
Prof. Geoffrey Tyack describes how under the first four Georges (1714-1830) London became one of the largest and most dynamic cities in the world, its buildings still bearing witness to its wealth and prestige.
Introduction to Victorian London, Saturday 27 May
Susie Barson, senior architectural investigator with Historic England, will introduce the architecture of the Victorian and Edwardian period through a look at the new building types, materials, technological and social changes of the period.
Architecture in London between the Wars: the meaning of Modern, Saturday 3 June
In the 1930s, was Modern architecture a heroic ‘Battle of the Styles’ as some have suggested, or a reversion to national type? Alan Powers, former chairman of the 20th Century Society, will look at both sides of the question.
Where, why and how? London's architecture today (and tomorrow), Saturday 10 June
Chris Rogers, architectural historian and author of books including the newly-published 'How to Read London: a crash course in London architecture', sets out some of the key factors shaping contemporary developments in the capital.
These sessions organised by The London Society will start at 11.30am and finish at 12.30pm.
Book all five talks for the price of four, or attend individual sessions.