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Lenses on a Landscape Genius: meet the experts

Mon 27 Jun 2016

As part of the Lenses on a Landscape Genius exhibition which explores and celebrates the work of Lancelot ‘Capability’ Brown, there will be a series of accompanying talks. Get the chance to meet and ask questions of landscape architects, Capability Brown experts, landscape photographers and artists who were involved increating this unique exhibition.

Sessions include:

The Quickness of Brown’s Eye: Capability Brown’s two week visit to Dinefwr, Wales (Wednesday 6 July) - Landscape architect, Hal Moggridge who restored Capability Brown views at Blenheim, will share his thoughts on Brown's designs and techniques and their continuing sustainable relevance today. Book online.

Talking Heads - a creative journey to find Mr Brown (Monday 11 July) - Sculptor Jon Edgar will reveal the challenges he faced and how he created a sculptural portrait of the celebrated, Capability Brown, long since departed. Book online.

Moving Heaven & Earth - Capability Brown’s Gift of Landscape (Monday 11 July) - Steffie Shields will share photographic highlights of a very different voyage of discovery recording Brown's surviving works, from her just-published book'Moving Heaven & Earth - Capability Brown's Gift of Landscape' Book online.

Place-making, the art of Capability Brown (Monday 18 July) - John Phibbs, historic landscapes advisor is also known as " the Brown Advisor" online. John has worked on over 600 different parks and gardens and is an acknowledged authority on Capability Brown and Humphry Repton. John will draw from his two books that will be published in October 2016. Capability Brown, defining the English landscape, for Rizzoli Press, and Place-making, the art of Capability Brown, for Historic EnglandBook online.

Tweed and Concrete: Capability Brown in the Twentieth Century (Monday 18 July) - Hear from Dr Oliver Cox who is a Knowledge Exchange Fellow in the Humanities Division at the University of Oxford. He created and manages the Thames Valley Country House Partnership, a collaborative project between the Humanities Division, the region’s historic houses and the Higher Education Innovation Fund. Book online.

Landscape as sign language (Monday 25 July) - Widely exhibited photographer and filmmaker, Simon Warner who worked with the late Jay Appleton, author of The Experience of Landscape will consider Appleton’s theory of landscape appreciation in relation to Capability Brown’s Yorkshire estates. Book online.

Sessions will start from 6.00pm - 8.00pm and will be introduced by photographer and writer, Steffie Shields.

Lenses on a Landscape Genius is part of the London Festival of Architecture.

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