This online series of talks showcases some of the innovative practice, and new types of concrete emerging to address climate mitigation and adaptation.
Fresh Concrete, produced in partnership with The Concrete Centre, is a platform for knowledge sharing for all construction professionals, bringing a fresh approach and fresh thinking for concrete.
Recordings for Fresh Concrete 2022 can be found here.
The second event in this Fresh concrete series will take place at 1pm, Wednesday, 24 May and features MinimassTM – a new prefabricated and prestressed manufacturing technique for structural beams using 3D-printed concrete.
Speaker – Andy Coward, Founder, Net Zero Projects and MinimassTM
MinimassTM is a patented manufacturing technique which uses a hybrid of 3D-printed concrete and prestressed steel to produce ultra-resource efficient structural beams. Andy will provide an explanation of the principle of the system, its benefits and low carbon credentials, and an update on product development, testing and its future potential.