With pupil numbers set to exceed eight million by 2023, we will need the equivalent of almost 2,000 new schools. This provides us with an opportunity to uphold the view that schools can and should be more than just practical, functional buildings – they can elevate the aspirations of children, teachers and the wider community.
We can redefine what we expect from educational institutions and look at strategies to bring nature into the classroom, or rather take the classroom into nature. We can further dissolve the gap between education and the environment, promoting an awareness of health and wellbeing at an early age.
Attitudes towards the environment start developing at an early age and once formed do not change easily. Children are potential effective agents for promoting environmentally responsible behaviour in others and carrying forward a positive view of sustainability. But how do we give them the right environment to learn? Our panel will explore the options.
Speakers include:
Chair: Nick Mirchandani, director at Architecture PLB
Edmund Fowles, partner at Feilden Fowles
David Hills, founding director of DSDHA
Dr Sharon Wright, senior associate at The Learning Crowd
Jonathan Lazar, founding member of Aut--Aut architecture
A partnership between The Building Centre and Museum of Architecture.