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WP-Quadra - 3 Layer Plank Product. The plank appearance is emphasized thanks to bevelling of the longitudinal and header joints. Tongue and groove joints on four sides. Can be completely adhered to the subfloor. Also suitable for floating installation in optimal room climates. Tailor made and dimensionally stable header joint by utilizing top-quality plywood. Spruce supporting material with vertically arranged growth rings. Suitable for use over underfloor heating.


Board Dimensions: 14 x 160 x 1700 mm 14mm Total Thickness. 3.6 mm Hardwood Top Layer
Hardwood, Top quality plywood & spruce
Oak Black Olive Fumed Oak Black Pepper Oak Black Pepper Fumed Oak, Nut Steamed, Acacia (Robinia) steamed Oak Mandel, Oak, Oak Pure, Oak Auste
Prefinished ProActive+ UV Cured Oiled Prefinished ProVital Oiled
Special features
Bevel on longitudinal and header joints. Tongue and groove joints on four sides
Suitable for all types of applications, ie retail, commercial, hospitality industry and residential
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