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Weitzer Parkett UK
The Weitzer Parkett WP-Multisport M-65+ is a fully sprung high performance sports floor that can be installed on an uneven subfloor and is certified to BSEN 14904 A4. The system is installed using WP-Trend Sport 21 mm engineered solid board (21 x 117 x 1170 m) secret nailed to kiln dried softwood battens, which are supported by "recycled rubber crumb" cradles that enable fast levelling of the system. The system can be installed at varying heights from 66 mm to 86 mm; other floor heights can be achieved using 10 mm and 30 mm cradle bases. The installation pattern is traditional classic "3-board stagger" of 1170 mm / 7800 mm / 390 mm creating a uniform even pattern throughout the field of play.

Product categories


Hardwood & birch ply, Kiln dried softwood battens Recycled rubber crumb cradles
Oak, Beech
Prefinished ProStrong Lacquered
Special features
Certified to BSEN 14904 A4 Fully Sprung System, Delivered Prefinished
Sprung Timber Flooring System for Sports and Dance
Construction height 66 - 86 mm. Other floor heights can be achieved using 10 mm and 30 mm cradle bases
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