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Western Red Cedar No.2 Clear Microline Channel Cladding

Silva Timber Products Ltd
Microline channel cladding creates bold shadow lines that create a unique look. Silva's No. 2 Clear & Better Western Red Cedar is graded three times at the mill to ensure that it is the highest standard No. 2 Clear product available. In addition to rigorous grading at the source it is inspected by Silva staff prior to leaving our warehouse to make sure that it meets our strict quality standards.


Western Red Cedar
Natural colours include Yellow, Pink, Orange, Amber and Brown tones. If untreated, ages to a Silvery-Grey
Unfinished. For a pigmented natural or saturated tone, use Sansin Wood Protection. For a "weathered" appearance, use Sioo Wood Protection.
Special features
PEFC Certified; Kiln Dried; Highly stable; Very durable; Readily accepts finish
Suitable for exterior cladding in residential and commercial applications
19 x 94mm, 19 x 144mm. Lengths up 6.10m
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