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Watertight is a versatile range of specialised ready-mixed concretes designed to protect a structure from water ingress or to retain water within a structure. When compared to traditional methods of achieving watertight structures, Watertight offers contractors and specifiers the competitive edge in both cost and time savings.

Watertight Pro Protect

  • Type A and B waterproofing construction in accordance with BS 8102:2009 
  • 25-year warranty 
  • Two lines of defense (Type B MasterSeal 754 pre-applied FPO waterproofing membrane for below ground concrete structures, MasterLife WP 799 waterproofing admixture, MasterInject 900 re-injectable hose waterstop system) 

Watertight Super Protect

  • Type B waterproofing construction in accordance with BS 8102:2009
  • 15-year warranty
  • One line of defense (MasterLife WP 799 waterproofing admixture and MasterInject 900 re-injectable hose waterstop system)

Watertight Core Protect

  • Type B waterproofing construction in accordance with BS 8102:2009
  • 10-year warranty
  • One line of defense (MasterLife WP 799 waterproofing admixture and MasterSeal 910/912 hydroswelling waterbar and hydrophilic swelling mastic system for construction joints).


General performance
Type A and B waterproofing construction in accordance with BS 8102:2009
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