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UrbanPave is ideal for high quality, contemporary environments with its extremely light texture and choice of three shades. UrbanPave is also available in four paver sizes providing flexibility in laying patterns. 

  • Contemporary, lightly textured flag paving
  • Choice of two shades that can be used to complement and contrast one another
  • Multi-size laying patterns achievable.


 UrbanPave flag paving is suitable for pedestrian areas. It is also suited to areas with intermittent car, mechanical sweeper overrun and access for emergency vehicles subject to the smaller size pavers being used.

Refer to our technical department for further guidance on suitability for any given application. For the correct choice of flag size to suit your application, refer to BS7533 Part 8.  


Chamfered - Pencil
Light grey, mid grey, dark grey
80 mm
1200x600, 600x600, 600x300, 300x200
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