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Traditional Polished Mortar

Kourasanit UK Ltd

Traditional polished mortar is KOURASANIT’s oldest product but also its most popular one. It’s the great finish it gives indoors and outdoors, its durability due to its consistency, and the ease with which it can be applied that make it the No. 1 choice every single time. These days, it’s almost certain that any modern construction project, from the smallest flat to largest hotel, will feature traditional polished mortar among the construction materials used. It can be applied to floors and walls, and works equally well on newly-built surfaces and on older ones, without any need to first remove existing materials such as tiles, terrazzo, etc.

The mix (primarily composed of pozzolana (lava), river sand and hydrated lime) make it one of the most powerful hydraulic mortars around. It can be easily and quickly applied, requires only two coats, and doesn’t need any undercoats. It is the best choice, by far, for floors with heavy footfall such as those in shops, offices, gyms, restaurants, coffee-bars, as well as floors in homes or hotels, and is even suitable for baths, spas, worktops, sinks and other specialised constructions. The end result is quite unique thanks to the product’s consistency and application technique, which is done entirely by hand.


5.2 N/m²
Abrasion resistance
Α9 Bohme test
Reaction to fire
Euroclass A1
VOC emissions
None (0%)
3-4 mm
Compressive strength
13.4 N/m²
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