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TORMAX Secure+Therm Sliding Door System - automatic


TORMAX Secure+Therm

The Secure+Therm system is the new standard for security and energy-efficient automatic sliding doors. The system offers certified burglary protection to resistance class RC 2, whilst using a slender, thermally separated door profile.

Shopkeepers, hotel managers and company owners need to protect their buildings against burglary and vandalism, whilst insurance companies demand security measures to keep premiums low.

Fitted with the new TORMAX multipoint locking, and numerous other security features, the TORMAX Secure+Therm sliding door system combines all the advantages of an automatic sliding door during business hours with the necessary burglary protection after closing time. The whole system has been examined and certified:
* CE (EN 16005 /DIN 18650; TÜV certified)
* EN 1627; PfB (Test Centre for Building Elements) certified
* Prepared for EN 16361 (EN 1026, EN 1027, EN 12211)

With the TORMAX Secure+Therm, cold, heat, damp and noise are kept outside, creating a superior ambience inside. Customers and staff feel and appreciate the comfort, and because the TORMAX Secure+Therm sliding door system has a very slender and compact thermally separated profile, you do not have to compromise on aesthetics.

Delivering an above-average service life for the door system and operator motors, means there is less unscheduled down-time and fewer servicing call-outs.

Furthermore, the high performance of the TORMAX drive systems lowers the overall operating costs significantly when compared to other alternative systems.


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