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Thermofol System

Bauder Ltd

The Bauder Thermofol PVC membrane was introduced in to the UK in 2006 after the successful incorporation of the Thermoplan TPO system into the Bauder portfolio. With over 50 years of technical and production experience of PVC membranes and with over 20million m² of Thermofol PVC already installed, this system is durable, reliable and versatile.

Thermofol U12, U15 & U20 are the three membranes available, with thicknesses of 1.2, 1.5 and 2.0mm respectively. The membranes are reinforced with a pre-coated polyester cross weave matting which provides the high tear resistance required of a mechanically fastened membrane.

Bauder PIR FA-TE Insulation is fully compatible with the Thermoplan membrane as well as being thermally efficient, lightweight, fire resistant and zero OPP rated. The insulation is foil-faced on both sides for increased thermal efficiency.

Bauder Vapour Barriers or VCL Bauder manufactures a range of torch bonded or self-adhesive loose laid vapour control layers. All of these types of product can be used within a Thermoplan mechanically fastened system and a recommendation can be made according to cost plan and project programme.


5.71 Kg/m²
10-20 years depending on the system type
121.7 mm
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