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Stone Slips


An economical and cost effective cladding product that maintains an authentic natural appearance.

  • Designed to suit modern construction methods such as cladding panel systems

  • Thickness varying from normally 20mm at the edges to 30-35mm in centre depending on relief for a true natural stone effect

  • Suitable for both internal and external applications

  • Quick and easy to lay

  • Minimises on-site wastage

  • Eliminates the manual handling and associated issues of traditional stone and brick materials

A range of masters is used to avoid noticeable repetition of profiles.


  • Housing: internal and external wall, extensions, new build where natural appearance is required

  • Commercial: internal and external wall, extensions, bridges


Quick and easy to lay
0.2, 0.21, 0.26 T
75, 150, 225 mm, slip
200, 225, 250, 275, 300, 325, 250, 337 mm
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