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Standard Platform Lifts: Stairiser SR and Stairiser CR2

Stannah Lifts Ltd

Our Stairiser inclined platform lifts are an ideal access solution if your building cannot accommodate a vertical lift, carrying one person safely over a straight or curved stairway, seated in a wheelchair or on the seat provided on the lift.

When the wheelchair platform stairlift is not in use it folds neatly away to leave the stairway free for pedestrian use – ideal for a busy building where space is at a premium.

The Stairiser SR is designed to run on a straight rail over a single straight flight of stairs. The unit folds flat against the rail when not in use.

The Stairiser CR2 is designed for use on a curved rail, making it suitable for any run of stairs with a single turn, multiple landings or spiral 

Standard Features

Lift platform folds neatly away when not in use
Lift can be adjusted for right or left hand fixing and is fastened directly to a wall or supported by stanchion posts, or a mix of both
Non-slip platform floor
Flush or surface mounted constant pressure landing call stations with key switch isolation
End or side access to the platform available
Platform control handset with audio alarm button
Fully automatic, with electrically controlled folding platform and barrier arms
At the top landing, only the exit safety edge lowers so the user can exit safely and all other sides remain stable
Barrier arms surround and protect the user, locking down before the platform moves
Platform stops automatically when its sensitive surfaces detect obstructions - safety barrier arms and platform can be operated manually in an emergency
Soft start and stop for maximum comfort
Wireless radio controlled landing call stations
Remote attendant control
Audio signal for moving platform (can be turned on or off)
12 month warranty


Stairiser SR: 0.1m/s, Stairiser CR: 0.06m/s - 0.15m/s
Power supply
230v single phase
Stairiser SR: Battery powered positive rack and pinion drive, Stairiser CR: Traction rope drive
Platform depth when folded: Stairiser SR 300mm (wall mounted), 362mm (stanchion mounted); Stairiser CR 273mm (wall mounted) 315mm (stanchion mounted)
Stairiser SR: 225kg wheelchair and occupant, Stairiser CR: 225kg wheelchair and occupant
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