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Squared Coursed Rubble

Aggregate Industries UK Ltd

Reproduces the characteristic horizontal stratum lines of natural stone found in Northern Britain.

  • Perfect for adding value and visual appeal to any commercial or domestic build

  • Offered in large or small height modules to satisfy regional custom 

  • Produced in moulds originated from natural stone masters for a high quality aesthetic detail

  • Quick, economical and easy to lay to suggested coursing details (provided on request)

  • Jumper blocks available for a more random appearance

  • Available in two shades to suit regional variations


  • Housing: external wall, extensions, new build where natural appearance is required.

  • Commercial: external wall, extensions, bridges.


0.99 - 1.59 T
75, 100, 125, 150, 225 mm, slip
200, 225, 250, 275, 300, 325, 250, 337 mm
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