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Sollysta Wiring Accessories

Hager Ltd

Hager Sollysta Wiring Accessories offer a combination of advanced functionality, ease of installation, and sleek design, making them an excellent choice for modern electrical installations. These accessories feature the unique In-Line and Top-Access terminal design, which simplifies wiring and reduces installation time. The terminals are also fitted with backed-out and captive screws, enhancing convenience and ensuring secure connections. Sollysta products are known for their durability and high quality, meeting rigorous safety standards. Their smooth, rounded edges and slim profiles contribute to an aesthetically pleasing finish, suitable for various residential and commercial environments. The range includes switches, sockets, dimmers, and USB outlets, all designed with a consistent look and feel. Additionally, the Sollysta range is manufactured with antimicrobial properties, offering extra protection in hygiene-sensitive areas like hospitals and schools. Overall, Hager Sollysta Wiring Accessories combine reliability, safety, and style, making them a preferred choice for electricians and designers alike.

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