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A smoke shaft is a common method for ventilating lobbies of tall buildings, used to maintain tenable conditions in the common escape routes in the event of a fire in the building.

Originally smoke shafts were developed by BRE as a passive system requiring large risers and dampers to allow for the buoyancy effects of the fire to provide motion to clear smoke from the corridors.

The Fläkt Woods Smoke Shaft Vent reduces the required shaft area specified by BRE by the addition of a set of smoke extract fans located at roof level; saving on lettable space within the development and removing the risk of wind or negative heat effects limiting the effectiveness of the passive ventilation system.

  • Meets ErP 2015 criteria for dual-use fans delivering  high efficiency operation thus reducing carbon emissions
  • Prefabricated assembled solution so  significantly reduced risk of components being lost and needing replacement
  • Packaged solution allowing for minimal plant lifts to the roof, minimal wiring on site and avoids the need for coordination and sourcing from separate suppliers of fans, controls, ductwork and dampers
  • Configured using an easy-selection tool, making our expertise  and knowledge accessible
  • For single-shaft systems between 3 and 20 storeys in height
  • Designed using guidance from Approved Document B, EN12101 Parts 6, 7, 9 & 10 and PD 7974-6:2004
  • Proven by Concept CFD for largest and smallest of the range. Bespoke CFD not essential but can be offered
  • Package solution of fans, controls, lobby dampers, stairwell ventilators, sensors and actuators
  • Managed with an easy-selection tool
  • Can provide day-time ventilation to limit corridor over-heating during the summer months
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