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SMARTPLY MAX FR/FR BUILD is a flame retardant panel developed in response to the STA’s (Structural Timber Association) “Design guide to separating distances during construction” for timber frame buildings above 600m2 total floor area.

Added during panel production, Zeroignition® Solution – a water-based and eco-friendly fire retardant penetrates the wood strands to ensure comprehensive and reliable fire performance whilst fully maintaining structural integrity.




FSC® Certified Timber
SMARTPLY OSB3 FR/FR flakes are darker in colour than standard OSB3 due to the flame retardant used at panel manufacture
SMARTPLY FR maintains its CE mark and certification due to the Flame Retardant being built into the panel not applied as a coating or being impregnated after manufacture
Manufactured in accordance to EN 300, it is the perfect choice for roofing, flooring and wall sheathing where strength, moisture resistance and flame retardancy are paramount.
SMARTPLY FR OSB is a flame retardant structural OSB3 panel with European reaction to fire class C-s2,d0 and BFL –s1 performance. The panel also complies with the FR/FR Build performance requirements in accordance with STA’s (Structural Timber Association) “Design guide to separating distances during construction” for timber frame buildings above 600m² total floor area. Zeroignition Solution, a water based, eco-friendly, fire retardant is added during panel processing, ensuring fire performance whilst maintaining structural integrity.
11mm, 15mm, 18mm. Panel Sizes 2397 x 1197/ 1220 , 2440 x 1220 other thicknesses and sizes available on request


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