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Siniat Resilient Acoustic Stud

Resilient Acoustic Stud (RAS) is a simple, new innovation for partitions in hotels and student accommodation projects.
RAS is the only product of its type in the world. It comprises two steel profile sections held together by an acoustic tape which prevents airborne and impact sound from passing through separating walls.
RAS has two major benefits for specifiers and installers. Whilst meeting the performance requirements for Part E: Rooms for Residential Purposes and Part E: Change of Use, it provides:
• A 17mm thinner partition, by consolidating the resilient bar into the unique stud design
• Up to 50% quicker installation time than the traditional Resilient Bar System method
It enables specifiers and installers to meet acoustic performance requirements quickly and simply, providing a useful alternative to our own Resilient Bar System– which we know can be cumbersome to design and install


3600 x 70 x 0.6mm
2700 x 70 x 0.6mm
3000 x 70 x 0.6mm
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