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Service Stair Access Roof Hatch L-50TB

Bilco UK Ltd

Thermally broken cover and frame design provide superior thermal performance.

Engineered with compression spring operators to provide smooth, easy, one-hand operation, regardless of size. All BILCO hatches meet the requirements of Manual Handling Regulations.

Automatic hold-open arm locks the cover in the open position to ensure safe egress. Grip handle allows for easy, one-hand release and closing.

Overlapping cover design, fully welded corners on cover and curb, closed-cell EPDM rubber gasket, and fully insulated cover and curb ensure weather tightness and energy efficiency.

Constructed with corrosion-resistant materials to provide many years of trouble-free, dependable service.

Heavy gauge construction and positive latching mechanism maintain building security. Curb features the Bil-Clip® Flashing System, an innovative method to quickly and easily secure single-ply roofing material to BILCO roof products.


Mill finished aluminium. PPC colour option available.
Mill finish aluminium
Special features
Corrosion resistant hardware. Heavy duty slam latch. Fully enclosed compression springs.
Suitable for installation in flat roofs.
760mm x 2440mm internal dimension. Overall dimension 988mm x 2668mm


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