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The Solid Wood Flooring Company was founded by Martyn Ryder, whose passion for high-quality wood flooring and sustainability has shaped the company into a trusted name in the industry. With over 20 years of international experi…
Select Grade Brushed Oak Flooring White Oiled Finish
The Solid Wood Flooring Company
45 Degree Chevron Engineered Parquet Micro-Bevelled Unfinished Oak | TW-E929UF
60 Degree Chevron Engineered Parquet Brushed UV Oiled Oak | TW-E936
60-Degree Chevron Fawn Hard Wax Oiled Oak | TW-E973
Antique Burnt Oak Flooring Lacquered Finish | E307LN
Antique Carbonised Oiled Oak Flooring | E801 XY
Antique Fumed Dark Brown Oiled Engineered Oak Border 90mm wide | TW-E594
Antique Lacquered Smoke Oak Flooring
Antique Natural Oak Flooring Unfinished | E108UF
Antique Natural Oak Unfinished Flooring
Antique Natural White Oak Flooring Unfinished | E109UF
Antique Smoke Brushed Herringbone Oak Parquet UV Oil Finish | TW-E907