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SATK32 INDIRECT Heat Interface Unit

Altecnic Ltd

Maximum static working pressure: 16 bar - primary: 3 bar - secondary Primary differential pressure capability: 600 kPa Min. differential pressure: 50 kPa Maximum temperature: 85C Medium: Water.

-Complete range for low, medium and high temperature systems.
-Compact size, simple installation use and maintenance.
-Instantaneous DHW production with DHW exchanger weekly programmable preheating function.
-Remote user interface with chronothermostat function.
-Control of the return temperature in both heating and DHW mode; Ideal for condensing boilers and district heating applications.
-Self-diagnostics and remote control via via Mod-BUS.

Product categories


Temperature range
25 - 75 °C
Type/variant options
General performance
DHW output 50kW
Depth dimension provided includes the front cover
General performance
Pump Type - UPM3 15-17
245 mm
General performance
System Type - Indirect
630 mm (h)
Commercial, Domestic
490 mm (w)
Type/variant options
Type/variant options
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