Rockwool cavity closer systems have been developed to minimise thermal bridging at door and window reveals in cavity wall constructions. Rockwool can now offer a solution for both first-fix built-in (Rockclose) and second fix (RockReveal) applications. Both systems are fire rated and exceed the minimum requirements of Thermal Robust Details.
Rockclose provides the user with a fire rated cavity closer for masonry walls with a returning inside leaf. RockReveal is a fire rated cavity closer, which can be used in timber, metal and masonry cavity walls without the need to return the block work.
- integral DPC
- built in as construction proceeds (First Fix)
- one-hour fire integrity
- one width covers most applications
- easy to handle
- self supporting
- no need to return block
- one-hour fire integrity
- easy to install
- second fix application
- no additional dpc required