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pro clima INTELLO® PLUS features humidity-variable diffusion resistance. It gives maximum protection to thermal insulation where moisture entry may have occurred. This may be through leaks, damp building materials or diffusion through adjoining structural surfaces. Intello plus possesses the world’s best and most effective variable diffusion resistance.

This ensures optimum protection for all fibrous insulating materials in all constructions, whether they are vapour diffusion permeable or vapour diffusion resistant externally such as pitched roofs with bitumen sheeting or metal sheet roofing, flat roofs and walls with a diffusion resistant exterior cladding.


20 metres and 50 metres
Membrane: polyethylene copolymer; Fleece and reinforcement layer: polypropylene
Interior only
< 1.28 MNs/g > 51 MNs/g
Fire resistance Class (EN 13501-1)
Temperature range
-40C to +80C
1.5 metres

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