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Prescal- Series 533 High Performance Pressure Reducing Valve with Compression Ends

Altecnic Ltd

533H pressure reducing valves have a specially shaped diaphragm to give accurate pressure regulation in response to changes in
downstream pressure.

The control stem housing of the cartridge is made from a plastic material with a low co-efficient of adhesion, which reduces the
probability of scale deposits forming, the main cause of pressure reducing valve malfunction.

The cartridge and strainer screen are easily removed for periodic cleaning and maintenance.

The 533H series of pressure reducing valve is certified according to BS EN 1567 for operating with inlet water temperatures up to

The 533H is specifically designed for higher flow rates with low a low noise level when operating.

Product categories


Seals- EPDM
Body- DZR Chrome Plated
General performance
Pressure Gauge Connection- G1/4
Strainer Screen- Stainless Steel
Cover- Nylon
General performance
Maximum Inlet Pressure- 16 bar
Control Stem- Stainless Steel
General performance
Outlet Pressure Setting Range- 1 to 5.5 bar
Cartridge- Polymer
General performance
Factory Setting- 3 bar
Internal Components- Polymer
General performance
Maximum Working Temperature- 80C
Diaphragm- EPDM
General performance
Medium- Potable Water


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