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Polished Plaster


Our polished plasters are extremely durable and less prone to shrinking and cracking than other brands.  The plasters breathe; allowing water vapour to permeate freely so moisture evaporates quickly, unlike acrylic finishes which can trap moisture inside the wall.  It has highly reflective qualities with natural shade variations while being smooth and cold to the touch. The finish becomes stronger with age.  Ideal for stensils and logos.


0.5 – 1.25mm (plus an additional 1.25mm if using the reinforcing coat).
Lime based plaster with over 40% recycled marble powder content. Suitable for decoration of both modern and historic buildings.
Endless variety of colours and options available. Select a standard colour from our colour chart or select a Ral or Pantone, colour matching available on request.
Highly Reflective or Matt
Special features
Classic offers a plaster finish with great sense of depth, having a reflective finish and natural shade variations while being smooth and cold to the touch.
Suitable for surfaces such as skimmed plasterboard and plastered masonry surfaces. MDF, glass, marble, concrete or GRG. Finishes are applied on site by Surfaceform craftsmen.
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