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Packed Cement



General Purpose cement can be used for traditional nominal mixes for all general applications. Available in 25kg paper bags.


  • 32,5R Portland limestone cement
  • Lower embodied CO2 than CEM I Portland cement
  • Based on sustainable cement technology containing limestone additions for improved workability and less bleed
  • Store undercover, off the ground, in a dry area.

Why use General Purpose?

  • Fully compatible with all standard admixtures such as air-entraining agents, workability aids and waterproofers.


  • Good for all above-ground site applications. Ideal for mortars and renders, screeds and DIY applications


High strength cement for excellent performance. Available in water and tear resistant 25kg plastic packaging for durability.


  • Enhanced 42.5N strength class cement for better performance
  • Based on sustainable cement technology containing limestone additions giving:
  • Less bleeding and segregation
  • Lower embodied CO2 than CEM I Portland cement

Why use General Purpose+?

  • Plastic packaging; enables it to be stored outside without risk of deterioration
  • Reduces wastage on site and improves sustainability
  • Fully compatible with all standard admixtures such as air-entraining agents, workability aids and waterproofers.


  • Ideal for all above-ground site applications, including concrete, mortar, render and screeds


Premixed ready to use product composed of a selected blend of cements and aggregates intended for domestic use. Available in 20kg plastic packaging.


  • Plastic packaging enables it to be stored outside without risk of deterioration
  • No mixing required, just add to water

Why use Postmix?

  • Sets in 5-10 minutes and then hardens rapidly
  • Allows quick fence panel hanging in around 30 minutes


  • Postmix fixes all types of wood, metal and concrete posts in all types of soil
  • Postmix should only be used for fixing posts and should not be used for any other purpose


High early and 28 day 52,5R strength cement. Available in 25kg paper bags.64 bags per pallet.


  • Bright white colour
  • Can be used for traditional nominal mixes for all general applications
  • Does not contain any pigments
  • Compatible with all standard admixtures
  • Store undercover, off the ground, in a dry area

Why use Super White?

  • Used in exactly the same way as grey Portland cements and can be used with coloured pigments as required
  • Provides attractive, light coloured, natural looking concrete


  • Ideal for cast stone, architectural precast concrete, paving slabs, street furniture and terrazzo flooring


Portland-fly ash cement with a high sulfate resistance* and a moderate heat of hydration conforming to BS EN 197-1 CEM II/B-V 42,5N. Available in 25kg paper bags.


  • Recommended for use in below ground applications
  • Ideal for use where sulfates are present
  • Reduced alkali and water demand
  • Enhanced long term strength performance
  • Better resistance to chloride ingress and aggressive environments than Portland cement (CEM I)

Why use Sulfate Resistant?

  • Resistant to sulfate attack on concretes, grouts and mortars
  • Suitable for use in virtually all sulfate conditions† as defined in BS 8500 and BRE Special Digest 1


  • For use in below ground or where enhanced durability is required. Ideal for concrete and mortars.


Premixed ready to use application composed of a blend of cement and aggregates. Available in 20kg plastic packaging.


  • No mixing required, just add water
  • Contains 10mm aggregate and graded sand

Why use Concrete Mix?

  • 28 day strength 40N/mm2


  • Ideal for small concrete jobs, paths, steps, patios, slabs and shed bases


A high calcium, non hydraulic, hydrated lime. Available in 20kg paper bags.


  • Fine, white, dry powder which lightens and brightens mortars
  • BS EN 459-1 CL90-S
  • Store undercover, off the ground, in a dry area

Why use Hydrated Lime?

  • Improves the workability, cohesiveness and water retention of Portland cement mortars and renders


  • Used for traditional nominal mixes for mortars and renders in conjunction with standard Portland based cements or inlime-washes without cement.


Remixed ready to use mortar composed of a selected blend of cement, lime and aggregates for laying all types of brick and block. Available in 25kg plastic packaging.


  • Plastic packaging enables the product to be stored outside, next to bricks and blocks
  • Just add water

Why use Mortar Mix?

  • Highly workable buttery mix obtained every time, long board life
  • Quality Assured Mortar Mix


  • General purpose mortar used for laying bricks and block.


Fast setting cement available in 25kg paper packaging.


  • Delivers a strong, durable, high quality finish in a fraction of the time of standard cement for a variety of general building applications

Why use Rapid Set?

  • Sets within 1 hour 
  • Foot traffic within 4 hours 
  • Vehicular traffic within 12 hours 
  • Strong durable finish


  • Ideal for concrete, render and screed


For more information or to order contact us on:

  • Sales into Great Britain  +44 (0)1285 646900 (option 4)
  • Sales into Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland  +44 (0)28 8676 7281

* Can be classified as CEM II/B-V+SR when used in accordance with BS 8500 and BRE SD1

† Except DC4M


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