Tall doors of every description and material play an important role in architecture and design. Open Entrances' expertise ensures that they are well designed for their purpose and the conditions that they are subject to, ensuring that they can be utilised in a reliable, safe and correct manner.
Mass produced equipment for manual and automatic doors can only service a door up to a maximum height and width, typically no more than 2800mm high and 1200mm wide. It is beyond these limitations however where Open Entrances specialises, combining high quality engineering with architectural merit.
The company's consultant structural engineers play an important role in certifying that the swing doors will cover every relevant aspect in achieving Health & Safety and DDA requirements, whilst providing an elegant doorway which has clean lines and no visible or unsightly items attached, detracting from the beauty of the entrance.An holistic approach to the design of swing doors means that the company advises whether the project would benefit from being operated manually, semi-automatically or automatically.