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Newton Baseboard is a unique above-slab drainage conduit, designed to capture water that is entering the structure via the wall/floor junction for removal to an appropriate drainage medium.

Prior to installing the Newton Baseboard System, mechanically fix a Newton Drainage Membrane to the
retaining wall. Apply Newton MultiPlugs at 1m centres and affix the Baseboard Hanger in the head of the plug. The Baseboard is then clipped tight over the hanger to hold the linear lengths of the conduit into position. Use the Baseboard jointing pieces to form a continuous length of the conduit. Apply an epoxy band of 150mm to the wall floor junction fillet as a key for the Newton One Shot Adhesive. The waterproof bond between the One Shot and the epoxy allows for ingression of water to travel within the Baseboard to a predetermined drainage outlet for removal. Newton Baseboard preformed internal and external corners and stop-ends are also required.

Newton Baseboard is a patented US product only available in the United Kingdom from Newton Waterproofing Systems. For further technical information please contact the Newton Sales Office.


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