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8mm Meshed Cavity Drain Membrane for Basement Walls, Floors & Vaulted Soffits. Newton 508 Mesh is a BBA approved meshed cavity drain waterproofing membrane suitable for use internally below the ground to retaining walls and vaulted soffits. Newton 508 Mesh is typically used where space prevents the use of a dry-lining frame or block wall as the wall finish or where a direct rendered or plastered finish is preferred. The ability to apply direct finishes to the product give the professional waterproofing designer flexibility to use the system in convoluted or confined basement areas where space is at a premium or where the original contours (features) of the property wish to be retained.Newton 508 Mesh (M3) is available in rolls 2m x 20m - 40m. Typical Applications - New build basements, existing basements in listed buildings as it is deemed reversible, rail and road tunnels & underpavement vaults/ceilings or coal holes.


Thermal conductivity (W/mK)
0.461 W/m K
Area (m2)
4.61 litres/sec/m²
0.60 mm
8.00 mm
Compressive strength
N/A Wall & Soffit membrane only
2.07 m
Thermal resistance
0.078m² K/W
20.00 m
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