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Newton 301 EasyProof is a coated metal waterbar system used for the sealing of construction joints within retainedconcrete structures.

Newton 301 EasyProof features a flexible, adherent coating on one side, which is covered with a granular material. The rough coating creates a permanent watertight seal with the surrounding concrete to create a waterbar that works immediately, without requiring activation by water as required with hydrophilic waterbars.

Installation is quick and easy with the waterbar fitted in place to the reinforcement steel with special clips so that after the placement of the concrete, the waterbar is fully embedded within the two adjoining elements, completely blocking the passage of water through the joint.

Because Newton 301 EasyProof is not fixed to one of the concrete elements as is the case with conventional waterbars the forming of a kicker upstand is not necessary.

Newton 301 EasyProof metal waterbar is certified to resist  water pressure of up to 5 bar (50m), and is resistant to all
types of naturally occurring ground water types.


6.0 m
2.0 mm
140 mm
3 Years
No restriction
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