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Our natural paints are special materials with unique characteristics. They are primarily produced from natural materials mixed into a hydrated lime base and are probably the only paints giving a textured, quite natural result. They can be applied to various masonry surfaces, indoors and outdoors, transforming them into works of art inspired by nature. Just as colours in nature are uneven the special aesthetic effect of our paint reflects this with subtle variations in colour, striations and shades, which change and evolve each time a new coat is applied by you or your painter and decorator.

Natural paints like these may not be buildings material that provide full protection for the wall but they do respond excellently to moisture because they act like a hydraulic mortar, allowing the wall to breathe thus preventing  crumbling or blistering on the surface. Natural paints are impressively durable over time, won’t fade and any staining looks like a deliberate visual effect. The paint can be applied with brush or using a hopper gun thus making it possible to cover large areas in a short period of time. KOURASANIT’s natural paint could probably be considered the ideal type of material for use in large hotels, schools or residential complexes, because apart from the fact that it creates a difference in terms of the end result, it requires no maintenance whatsoever.


Thermal conductivity (W/mK)
(λ10, dry) 0.40W/mK
Reaction to fire
Euroclass A1
VOC emissions
None (0%)
Compressive strength
5.7 N/m²
μ = 0.0015
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