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Moordale® Textured


High quality flag paving containing yorkstone and limestone aggregates to combine textural appeal, durability and economy.

  • Incorporates yorkstone and limestone aggregates to maximise performance and durability
  • Premium but cost effective paving
  • Ideal for urban pavements, shopping precincts and areas with occasional car, HGV or mechanical sweeper overrun
  • Ideal for creating large areas of warm solid colour
  • Range of colours and textures can be used to complement on another and provide subtle contrast

Moordale flag paving is suitable for high volume pedestrian areas, town centres, shopping precincts and footways as well as occasional car or mechanical sweeper overrun, footways with cars and HGV vehicle or service areas.

  • Note: We take great care in the photographic accuracy of our product swatches. However we recommend that clients obtain current production samples as a general indication of colour before final selection.


50, 65, 70mm
18.9, 41.7 mm
Grey, Buff
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