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Midilift Plus Cabin Platform Lifts

Stannah Lifts Ltd

Our vertical Midilift Plus lift range combines all the advantages of a conventional wheelchair platform lift with the features of a traditional passenger lift to ensure access in any building.

Manufactured by us in the UK our cabin platform lifts are installed in a variety of structures, including their own structure-supported enclosure. A range of finishes and options enable the lift to complement your building interior.

The Midilift SLplus a cost-effective entry into our cabin platform lifts range, with a hydraulic drive and travel of up to 5m.

The Midilift XLplus is an energy-efficient MRL traction cabin platform lift, enclosed within a lift structure, for travel of up to 12m.


Power supply
SLplus: 240v single phase, 16 amp XLplus: 240v single phase, 10 amp
SLplus: up to 5m XLplus: up to 12m
Up to 0.15m/s
SLplus: hydraulic (incl. external control system), XLplus: traction (motor and controller within enclosure)
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