MEDITE MR is produced in the following standard panel sizes: 1220 x 2440mm, 1220 x 2745mm, 1220 x 3050mm, 1525 x 2440mm, 1525 x 2745mm, 1525 x 3050mm and 1830 x 2440mm. Standard thicknesses produced are 4mm, 6mm, 9mm, 12mm, 14.5mm, 15mm, 18mm, 22mm, 25 and 30mm. Cut to size specifications and other thicknesses are available on request.
FSC® Certified Timber
MEDITE MR is distinguishable from other Medite MDF products by its green identification colour
Special features
Moisture Resistant MDF panel
MEDITE MR Moisture Resistant MDF (EN 622-H1) is used as a substitute for softwoods and hardwoods, and as a panel product in non-stressed applications. It is successfully used for kitchen furniture, bathroom furniture, architectural mouldings, skirting boards, architraves, window boards, flooring and general interior joinery.