When using battens in facades, different depths as well as a play of lights and shadows are obtained.
Battens used as solar shades are an ecological way of cooling buildings without consuming extra energy. When using Lunawood, you can prevent excessive solar from overheating the interiors with material that binds CO2 and hence is lowering the carbon footprint of the building. Further, due to the stability and light weight of Lunawood you use it in mobile sunscreen systems with opening and closing mechanisms.
Solar shade profiles can be used in many ways indoors and outdoors: fences, partitions, effect walls, ceilings etc.
Thermowood is a modern architectural material and the combination with steel, concrete and glass creates a beautiful contemporary look with a soft, natural finish.
Lunawood Battens:
Luna SHP 42x42
Luna SHP 42x92
Luna SHP 26x117
Luna Parallelogram SSS 26x68
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