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Loll Designs Lollygagger Lounge Chair (Tall)

Loll Designs by Surface Matter

This outdoor lounge chair has taller legs than its original counterpart, adding about 10cm of seat height to the original Lollygagger Outdoor Lounge Chair. When you slide in, you'll find all the angles fit just right, adding an unexpected level of comfort. Better yet, it has an integrated bottle opener hidden under the right arm. Made from 100% recycled plastic, the bright outdoor chair is easy to clean and requires no maintenance.

Product size
75 x 69 x 86cm at 19kg each


Recyclable content
100% recycled post-industrial or post-consumer HDPE
Recycled content
100% recyclable type 2 plastics - HDPE
75 x 69 x 86cm
Lollygagger Ottoman, Side Table or Chaise Lounge
Leaf Green, Cloud White, Black and Charcoal Grey stocked in the UK. Also available in Apple Red, Sunset Orange, Sky Blue, Sand, Evergreen.
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