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Available in an amazing palette of colours across a range of formats and accessories, iQ Optima is a genuine multi-solution offer adapted for education and healthcare facilities. Part of the iQ range, this collection offers extreme durability as well as superior wear, stain and abrasion resistance for heavy-traffic areas, giving it one of the best life-cycle costs on the market. No need for polish or wax, a simple dry-buffing is enough to restore this floor's original appearance.

The source of the iQ range’s performance is Unique Surface Restoration - the result of years of work in raw materials and production, and maintenance requirements. This innovative technology produces a glasshard surface that requires only dry buffing to regenerate its original appearance and that requires no wax and no polish forever.

All iQ floorings contain non-phthalate plasticizers and have emissions below quantifiable level measuring less than 10 µ/m3 TVOC after 28 days*. iQ Optima flooring is made from 54% natural or renewable materials, including a plasticizer based on renewable ressources.It contributes to optimal indoor air quality through emissions below quantifiable level,reduced use of water, detergents and energy for cleaning, and is 100% recyclable.


  • Best life-cycle cost on the market

  • Unique dry-buffing surface restoration

  • Part of a multi-solution offer


Reaction to fire
≤ 2 kV
Underfloor heating suitability
Yes (maximum 27°C)
Thermal resistance
0.01 m².K/W
0.10 mm
Thermal conductivity (W/mK)
Approx. 0.01
Colour fastness (EN ISO 105-B02)
≥ 7
DS class (µ ≥ 0.30)


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