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Hydraulic plasters for walls

Kourasanit UK Ltd

Traditional Roman mortar has been used for centuries in numerous constructions, from a range of Minoan Palace including Knossos and a host of buildings in the Classical period of Ancient Greece to the Pantheon in Ancient Rome and the building of Hagia Sophia in Byzantium. It has also been used to seal the roofs of monasteries on Mount Athos. Roman mortar is KOURASANIT’s source of inspiration. We see it as the building material of the future. While we’ve remained true to the old formula, coloured hydraulic plaster has now been improved and tailored to meet contemporary building needs. It can be used as plaster both for indoor and outdoor surfaces, not only replacing the top coat of plaster but also eliminating the need to paint surfaces at all, as it consists of various aggregates mixed with natural pigments that colour the product.

What makes this plaster exceptional is not only that it comes in so many different colours but also that two vital ingredients have been added to the mix: pozzolana (lava) and ceramic powder. These two components add hydraulic properties to the mortar, offering excellent resistance to extreme weather conditions, such as humidity, frost or sea air and wind. It can be applied in the same way as standard plaster providing a rough (coarse filler coating) or a smooth (fine filler coating) finish. Various finish patterns are also possible depending on the application technique used. Our hydraulic plasters offer numerous benefits: they don’t fade or peel, they require zero maintenance, and create a unique look while also ensuring a natural and healthy environment.


0.3 N/m²
μ = 0.0417
Thermal conductivity (W/mK)
VOC emissions
Reaction to fire
Euroclass A1
5 to 35 degrees Celsius
Compressive strength
1.78 N/m²
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