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Thermal Efficiency

Hi-therm is the only BBA Approved one piece lintel solution which achieves the appendix R value for steel lintels in Part L 2013. Up to 5 times more thermally efficient than a standard steel cavity wall lintel therefore reducing thermal bridging & improving SAP calculations.

Cost Effective

A low cost route to improve both CO2 reduction & Fabric Energy Efficiency standards in line with Part L Building Regulations.

Better Buildability

Better buildability – offers the simplicity of a one piece, structurally superior top hat design creating stability during the building process, unlike a two part lintel solution. Hi-therm+ is manufactured with a wider range & longer lengths.


Steel and GRP hybrid
Special features
Patented GRP and galvanised steel hybrid design. Profiled CFC-free insulation ensures the continuity of insulation. Up to 5 times more thermally efficient than cavity wall lintel with a Psi value of 0.05w/m2k.
Standard loading and heavy duty loading on cavity widths from 90mm-165mm
Sizes available for cavity widths 90mm - 165mm
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