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HGV Kerb


With its exceptional strength, HGV kerb has been specifically designed to keep vehicles where they belong - on the roadway.

  • Designed to withstand HGV wheel impact
  • Unique profile directs vehicles impacting on kerb back into the roadway
  • Flat front face of kerb accepts directional signage
  • Out-performs all other kerbs in withstanding vehicular impact damage
  • To create extra stability, units are able to accept dowel bars


HGV kerb is specifically designed for busy traffic routes and all urban locations where it is essential to ensure that vehicles remain on the roadway.

Complementary products

Designed for use with British Standard kerb.

  • Note: We take great care in the photographic accuracy of our product swatches. However we recommend that clients obtain current production samples as a general indication of colour before final selection.


500, 1000 mm
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