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GenieMat FIT is an all-in-one fitness floor made from recycled rubber, engineered to reduce structure-borne sound and vibration transmission in concrete, wood frame and metal deck construction.

GenieMat FIT floors dramatically reduce low-frequency impact noise in free weight areas, under cardio equipment, and in fitness studios.

GenieMat FIT08 Applications

  • Entryways/corridors
  • Group fitness areas
  • Locker rooms
  • Spinning studios

GenieMat FIT30 Applications

  • Cardio studios
  • Personal training areas
  • Machine areas

GenieMat FIT70 Applications

  • High impact studios
  • Free weight/dumbbell areas

GenieMat xFIT70 and GenieMat xFIT100 recommended for CrossFit® and Olympic lifting activities


Type/variant options
GenieMat FIT08: Roll good, GenieMat FIT30: Interlocking Tile, GenieMat FIT70: Interlocking Tile
GenieMat FIT08: 48" x 25' (1220 mm x 7620 mm), GenieMat FIT30: 24" x 24" (610 mm x 610 mm), GenieMat FIT70: 24" x 24" (610 mm x 610 mm)
23 and blendable
Impact sound insulation
Decreased impact force exposure level as measured using heavy/hard impact sources
Low dynamic stiffness for improved low frequency response
GenieMat FIT08: 5/16” (8 mm), GenieMat FIT30: 1 1/4” (30 mm), GenieMat FIT70: 2 3/4” (70 mm)
GenieMat FIT08: 1.7 lb (0.8 kg), GenieMat FIT30: 5.7 lb (2.6 kg), GenieMat FIT70: 9.1 lb (4.1 kg)
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