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FDT's Rhenofol PVC single ply is a versatile plasticized PVC roofing membrane with proven reliability over three decades. It is cost effective in refurbishment and new build and is available in a variety of lengths, in widths up to 2.05m and several colours.

The Rhenofol system is certified with the environmental product declaration EPD according to ISO 14025 and EN 15804 showing that it makes a valuable contribution to sustainability.

Installation is possible in almost any climate as seams are homogeneously welded. Rhenofol PVC is suitable for profiled metal, concrete and timber decks for both warm and cold roofs. There are two types:

Rhenofol CV
If you want a tailor-made solution for a flat roof, without ballast, there is no better choice than Rhenofol CV. Reinforced with a polyester grid – developed for mechanical fixing without ballast - the membrane is extremely durable and UV resistant.

Rhenofol CG
Rhenofol CG is reinforced with a glass fleece to provide a robust and resilient membrane. Suitable for green roofing, it resists weathering, chemical oxidation, has full FLL certification as a root and rhizome barrier and retains its physical properties over a wide range of temperatures. The membrane is loose-laid and ballasted.

Rhenofol can only be installed by trained and licensed installers as part of the Design & Technology Accredited Contractors’ Scheme (DATAC).

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