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Enviroblock is produced from secondary and recycled materials in ISO 14001 compliant factories. We are proud to be the first company in the world to achieve BES 6001:2008 Responsible Sourcing Certificate from BRE Global (Very Good rating).

The Envrioblock range is made up of a selection of solid Dense and Lightweight blocks with strengths of 7.3 or 10.4N/mm2.

  • They are environmentally engineered to comply with the demands of today’s society

  • A minimum 73% of the aggregate is recycled or secondary content

  • The raw materials used are particularly selected for their environmental performance

  • All products comply with European and UK technical standards

  • Enviroblock can be used both internally and externally


Enviroblock is suitable for use above and below DPC and can be used internally and externally. The units are produced with a standard finish, ready for plasterboard, render or plaster.


14.13 - 26.22 kg
100 mm
440x215 mm
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