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Cycle Kerb Range

  • Designed to provide edge restraint in pedestrain vehicular application
  • The Eco Countryside mix incorporates up to 82% recycled material content
  • Range of accessories to suit a variety of applications including droppers, crossing kerbs, radius kerbs, quadrants, transition kerbs, angles, offlets, marginal strips and marker channels.

Eco Countryside

Cycle Kerb

Charcon's Eco Countryside Cycle Kerb is a one peice unit that is quicker to lay and is capable of withstanding vehicular impact. Replicating the aesthetics of natural granite but, made from 82% recycled and secondary material content, Eco Countryside Cycle Kerb offers a 33% carbon reduction in comparison to a natural granite alternative.

Cycle Kerb

Charcon's standard Cycle Kerb was developed in conjunction with Cambridgeshire County Council as part of their transport strategy. The kerb can withstand vehicular overun but has an angled profile creating a gentle and smooth transition between the carriageway and cycle lane.

  • Note: We take great care in the photographic accuracy of our product swatches. However we recommend that clients obtain current production samples as a general indication of colour before final selection.


Grey, Black Fleck
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