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Construction Aggregates


We offer a broad selection of crushed rock, sand and gravel. Our quarries are strategically located for speedy delivery by road, rail and sea.

As a major supplier of primary, secondary and recycled construction aggregates, we offer a broad selection of crushed rock, sand and gravel. Our quarries are strategically located for speedy delivery by road, rail and sea, which enables us to fulfil contracts of any size.

Crushed rock

With over 70 quarries we can supply a wide range of crushed rock materials.

Our crushed rock includes granite, limestone, gritstone and basalt. Progressive stages of crushing and screening enable us to produce a range of aggregate sizes and we offer a range of polished stone value (PSV), including 70+PSV.

Our aggregates are used in:

  • ready mix and precast concrete
  • road construction and surfacing
  • rail track ballast
  • sea and river defences
  • water and effluent filtration
  • pipe bedding

Products offered:

  • crushed materials
  • dusts
  • face materials
  • fill materials
  • single size and graded materials
  • sub-bases

Sand and gravel

We are a leading supplier of sand and gravel used in construction and building materials.

Our materials are used in ready mix concrete, precast concrete products, asphalt and other construction materials.

Products offered:

  • face materials
  • fill materials
  • single size and graded materials
  • sharp and building sand

So whatever your crushed rock, salt and gravel needs, we’re sure to be able to help

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